The Faustin Project was started by Johnny Faustin, an old teammate of Victor’s from Northern Illinois University. He’s also a Florida native but it wasn’t until they met on the first day of football practice that they became close friends. They would always talk about culture and how their background has always had an impact on their lives. Johnny also talked about how he wanted to give back to his hometown, Mare Rouge, Haiti. Seeing him start this nonprofit and pursue his dreams was something Victor admired and could relate to, so he wanted to help him spread the word in any way that I could.

For the Month of May, we had a clothes/school supply drive. We were accepting all kinds of donations from school supplies to clothes to active wear to shoes. You name it, we were collecting it. At the end of the month, the Faustin Project Team came to VP and collected our 10 boxes full of donations. Although we couldn’t go with them to Haiti, we were there with them in Haiti.