St. Baldrick’s Foundation


St. Baldricks Foundation is a non-profit organization who funds grants for childhood cancer research through head-shaving events and other fundraisers across the globe, so kids with cancer can live long, healthy lives.


Victor Jacques, owner of Victory PROformance, attended the St. Baldrick’s Foundation 5k race where he shaved his head to raise awareness for childhood cancer. Giving back to the community is a big part of the Victory PROformance identity; we do what we can, whenever we can. Victor is always looking for ways to make a difference in a fun and meaningful way.

After the race, families shared their childhood cancer stories. It was heartbreaking and uplifting all at once. Victor had intentions of donating his hair bust wasn’t 100% sure to what cause he wanted to donate to and if he even was ready to cut his hair. Victor said, “after growing out my hair for so long I grew an emotional attachment but after hearing a couple of kids speak there was no way I was going to leave without donating my hair.” “I really wanted to show the kids who’ve lost their hair during treatment that I support them. No child should have to go through that alone. It was empowering to know that by shaving my head I could fund childhood cancer research.”