Project Toy Drive is an annual event coordinated by the Andres Rodriguez Foundation benefiting the pediatric oncology patients at Sylvester Cancer Center.

In the spirit of the holiday’s, every year for our annual Victory PROformance Olympic Games we hold a toy drive to remember the importance of giving back. This year we wanted to support a cause that touched closer to our hearts. Alongside the Andres Rodriguez foundation we were able to donate over 10,000 toys!

We wanted to partner with Project toy because they are a nonprofit organization that allowed us to directly impact the community. Seeing how involved Project Toy was with the community was a motivational factor for us because not only we’re we able to fundraise and collect toys, they provided us the opportunity to hand deliver the toys.

Being able to hand deliver the toys was an incredible experience that will never be forgotten. It made us feel humbly grateful to be in the position that we are in. The strength these kids have, not only the kids but their families, to see the positive side in the adversity they face every day was very inspiring and helped remind us to really appreciate the small things in life and to never take things for granted. While there are days where we complain about the little things such as “oh my hair doesn’t look good or I’m not feeling good today I’ll do it tomorrow,” these kids and their families are battling life every day. So being able to visit them and hangout with them for the day was really eye opening and reassuring.